Mesh commands

"Optional title"
coid, entype, enid, csysid, fid${}_1$, fid${}_2$, fid${}_3$, fid${}_4$

Parameter definition

Command ID
Entity type
options: G, GS, P, PS
Entity ID
ID of cylindrical coordinate system
FUNCTION defining radial displacement of inner surface
FUNCTION defining radial displacement of outer surface
FUNCTION defining axial displacement
FUNCTION defining tangential displacement


This command is used to transform a mesh. The transformation is expressed as diplacements in cylindrical coordinates $(R,\theta,z)$. $R$ is the radius, $z$ is the axial coordinate and $\theta$ is a circumferential angle ranging from $0^\circ$ to $360^\circ$.

If fid${}_1 \neq$ fid${}_2$ inner and outer surfaces use different radial transformations (see example below). In such situations only nodes on the surface of the body are transformed. Interior nodes are not treated. However, all nodes are transformed in the radial direction if fid${}_1 =$ fid${}_2$.

Interior and exterior surfaces
Interior and exterior surfaces


Transform mesh cylindrical - inner surface

Example where only the inner surface is transformed.

*PARAMETER H = 0.005 # ring height R0 = 0.010 # inner radius R1 = 0.015 # outer radius dR = 0.0005 # radial distortion *COMPONENT_PIPE "ring" 1, 1, 1, 20, 2 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [%H], [%R0], [%R1] *CHANGE_P-ORDER ALL, 0, 3 *SMOOTH_MESH P, 1, 45.0, 1 *MAT_ELASTIC 1, 7800.0, 210.0e9, 0.3 *PART "ring" 1, 1 *TRANSFORM_MESH_CYLINDRICAL 1, P, 1, 10, 20 *COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CYLINDRICAL 10, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 *FUNCTION 20 %dR*cos(4*theta) *END
Radial transformation of inner surface
Radial transformation of inner surface
Transform mesh cylindrical - inner and outer surface

Example where the inner and outer surfaces are transformed using the same function. Note that also interior nodes are treated in this situation.

*PARAMETER H = 0.005 # ring height R0 = 0.010 # inner radius R1 = 0.015 # outer radius dR = 0.0005 # radial distortion *COMPONENT_PIPE "ring" 1, 1, 1, 20, 2 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [%H], [%R0], [%R1] *CHANGE_P-ORDER ALL, 0, 3 *SMOOTH_MESH P, 1, 45.0, 1 *MAT_ELASTIC 1, 7800.0, 210.0e9, 0.3 *PART "ring" 1, 1 *TRANSFORM_MESH_CYLINDRICAL 1, P, 1, 10, 20, 20 *COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CYLINDRICAL 10, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 *FUNCTION 20 %dR*cos(4*theta) *END
Same radial transformation of inner and outer surface
Same radial transformation of inner and outer surface
Transform mesh cylindrical - spring

Example using transformation displacements in axial and circumferential directions. A short cylinder is transformed into an object with the shape of a spring.

*PARAMETER Ne = 200 # number of elements D0 = 1.0e-3 # spring thread diameter D1 = 1.0e-2 # spring coil diameter Ls = 4.0e-2 # spring length Nr = 8.0 # number of revolutions Ps = (%Ls-%D0)/%Nr # spring pitch eps = 1.0e-5 # initial cylinder length sf = 2*pi*%Nr/%eps # transformation scale factor *COMPONENT_CYLINDER "spring" 1, 1, [%Ne], 2 [%D1/2], 0.0, 0.0, [%D1/2], [%eps], 0.0, [%D0/2] *CHANGE_P-ORDER ALL, 0, 3 *MAT_ELASTIC 1, 7800.0, 210.0e9, 0.3 *PART "spring" 1, 1, 0, 0, 60.0 *TRANSFORM_MESH_CYLINDRICAL 1, P, 1, 10, 0, 0, 20, 30 *COORDINATE_SYSTEM_CYLINDRICAL 10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 # # axial displacement *FUNCTION 20 %Ps*%sf*R*theta/(360.0) # # circumferential displacement *FUNCTION 30 %sf*R*theta *END
Transformation of a cylinder into a spring
Transformation of a cylinder into a spring