Nodes and connectivity

"Optional title"
entype, enid, order, gid

Parameter definition

Entity type
options: P, PS, ALL
Entity identification number
New element polynomial order
options: 1, 2, 3
ID of a GEOMETRY that defines a sub-space for change of polynomial order
default: No geometry. This means that all elements in the selected part/part set will change polynomial order


Change element polynomial order in a selected region of a part or part set.


Change of polynomial order

The following command defines a region in space where linear elements are converted to cubic.

*COMPONENT_BOX 1, 1, 20, 20, 2 0, 0, 0.45, 1, 1, 0.55 *PART 1, 1 *MAT_RIGID 1, 7800 *CHANGE_P-ORDER P, 1, 3, 123 *GEOMETRY_PIPE 123 0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.3
Converting polynomial order of elements inside a cylinder (geometry 123)
Converting polynomial order of elements inside a cylinder (geometry 123)
Linear vs. cubic elements

Two cantilever beams are subjected to a transverse point load at the unconstrained end. One of the beams is modeled with five LHEX (Linear hexagonal) elements and the other with five CHEX (Cubic hexagonal) elements. From Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the maximum deflection, $\mathbf\delta_{max}$ is:

$\mathbf\delta_{max} = \displaystyle{ \frac{PL^3}{3EI} } = \displaystyle{ \frac{1.0e4 \cdot 1.0^3}{3 \cdot 200e9 \cdot \frac{0.05 \cdot 0.05^3}{12}} = 32 mm}$

where, $P$ is the applied load, $L$ is the length of the beam, $E$ is the elastic modulus and $I$ is the moment of inertia. The higher order elements are superior to the linear elements for this model setup.

*PARAMETER %tend = 0.5, "Termination time" %l = 1.0, "Length of the beam" %t = 0.05, "Thickness of the beam" %d = 0.1, "Distance value" %F_max = 1e4, "Load applied" *TIME [%tend] *OUTPUT [%tend/5] *UNIT_SYSTEM SI *COMPONENT_BOX "Linear elements" 1, 1, 5, 1, 1 0, 0, [-%d], [%l], [%t], [%t - %d] *COMPONENT_BOX "Cubic elements" 2, 2, 5, 1, 1 0, 0, [%d], [%l], [%t], [%t + %d] *MAT_ELASTIC 1, 7800, 200e9, 0.3 *CHANGE_P-ORDER P, 2, 3 *PART 1, 1 2, 1 #Fixed ends *BC_MOTION 1 G, 1, XYZ *GEOMETRY_SEED_COORDINATE 1 0, [%t/2], [%t/2 - %d] *BC_MOTION 2 G, 2, XYZ *GEOMETRY_SEED_COORDINATE 2 0, [%t/2], [%t/2 + %d] # Prescribed force *LOAD_FORCE 11 G, 11, Y, 10 *GEOMETRY_SEED_COORDINATE 11 [%l], [%t/2], [%t/2 - %d] *LOAD_FORCE 12 G, 12, Y, 10 *GEOMETRY_SEED_COORDINATE 12 [%l], [%t/2], [%t/2 + %d] *FUNCTION 10 smooth_d(%F_max, 0, 0.9*%tend) *OUTPUT_SENSOR "Linear" 1, 1, [%l], [%t/2], [%t/2 - %d] *OUTPUT_SENSOR "Cubic" 2, 2, [%l], [%t/2], [%t/2 + %d] *CURVE "Target" 10000 [0.0*%tend], 0.032 [1.0*%tend], 0.032 *END