Material properties

"Optional title"
mid, $\rho$, $G$
$A$, $B$, $n$, $C$, $f_c$, $T$, $\dot\varepsilon_0$, $ef_{min}$
$sf_{max}$, $p_{\mathrm{c}}$, $\mu_{\mathrm{c}}$, $p_{\mathrm{l}}$, $\mu_{\mathrm{l}}$, $D_1$, $D_2$, $K_1$
$K_2$, $K_3$, erode

Parameter definition

Unique material identification number
Shear modulus
Cohesive strength parameter
Pressure hardening parameter
Pressure hardening parameter
Strain rate parameter
Compressive strength
Tensile strength
Reference strain rate
Minimum fracture strain
Maximum strength
Crush pressure
Crush volumetric strain
Lock pressure
Lock volumetric strain
Failure strain parameter
Failure strain parameter
Linear bulk stiffness term
Quadratic bulk stiffness term
Cubic bulk stiffness term
Element erosion flag
0 $\rightarrow$ failed element is not eroded
1 $\rightarrow$ failed element is eroded


This is the Holmquist-Johnson-Cook concrete model. In the positive pressure regime the deviatoric flow stress $\sigma_y$ is defined as:

$\sigma_y = fc \cdot \mathrm{min} \left[ sf_{max}, \left( A (1-D) + B \left( \frac{p}{fc} \right)^N \right) \cdot \left( 1 + C \mathrm{ln} \left( \frac{\dot\varepsilon}{\dot\varepsilon_0} \right) \right) \right]$

and in the negative pressure (tensile) regime as:

$\sigma_y = fc \cdot A (1 + p/T) \cdot (1-D) \cdot \left( 1 + C \mathrm{ln} \left( \frac{\dot\varepsilon}{\dot\varepsilon_0} \right) \right)$

where $p$ is the current pressure and $0 \leq D \leq 1$ is the damage. Damage grows during crushing and deviatoric plastic flow according to:

$\displaystyle{\dot D = \frac{\dot\varepsilon_p + \dot\mu_p}{\varepsilon_f}}$

$\dot\varepsilon_p$ and $\dot\mu_p$ are the deviatoric and volumetric plastic strain rates, respectively. The failure strain $\varepsilon_f$ is defined as:

$\displaystyle{\varepsilon_f = \mathrm{max} \left( ef_{min}, D_1 \left( \frac{p + T}{fc} \right)^{D_2} \right)}$

The pressure-volumetric strain relationship is divided into three regions (see figure below). Region I is linear elastic and is valid from $p=-T$ to $p=p_c$. The bulk modulus in region I is:

$\displaystyle{K_0 = \frac{p_c}{\mu_c}}$

Region II is a transition region where the plastic compaction $\mu_p$ grows from 0 to $\mu_l$. The compaction stress grows linearly with $\mu_p$, from $p_c$ at $\mu_p=0$ to $p_l$ at $\mu_p=\mu_l$. Also the bulk modulus in region II is interpolated linearly, from $K_0$ at zero compaction to $K_1$ at $\mu_p=\mu_l$.

$\displaystyle{K(\mu_p) = K_0 + (K_0-K_1) \frac{\mu_p}{\mu_l}}$

The material is fully compacted ($\mu_p=\mu_l$) at pressure $p=p_l$. Region III describes the fully compacted material. There are no more voids and the pressure is defined as:

$p = K_1 \hat\mu + K_2 \hat\mu^2 + K_3 \hat\mu^3$


$\displaystyle{\hat\mu = \frac{\mu - \mu_l}{1 + \mu_l}}$
pressure-compaction relationship
pressure-compaction relationship