"Optional title"
type, gid
$\rho$, $A$, $B$, $R_1$, $R_2$, $\omega$, $e_0$, $D$
$e_{ab}$, $t_{ab}$

Parameter definition

Subdomain ID
High explosive type
options: TNT $\rightarrow$ TNT
C4 $\rightarrow$ Comp C-4
PETN $\rightarrow$ pentaerythritol tetranitrate
m46 $\rightarrow$ m46
HMX $\rightarrow$ HMX
CompA $\rightarrow$ Comp A-3
CompB $\rightarrow$ Comp B (grade A)
Octol $\rightarrow$ Octol 78/22
LX-10-1 $\rightarrow$ LX-10-1
LX-14-0 $\rightarrow$ LX-14-0
PBXN-9010 $\rightarrow$ PBXN-9010
Tetryl $\rightarrow$ Tetryl
ANFO $\rightarrow$ Ammonium nitrate fuel oil
PBXN-110 $\rightarrow$ PBXN-110
MCX-6100 $\rightarrow$ MCX-6100
NSP-711 $\rightarrow$ NSP-711
USER $\rightarrow$ user defined
Geometry ID
Density (this line is only used if type=USER)
JWL coefficient
JWL coefficient
JWL coefficient
JWL coefficient
JWL coefficient
Internal energy per unit volume, released at detonation
Detonation velocity
Afterburn energy per unit volume at detonation time
Afterburn time parameter, controlling energy release rate


This command is used to fill a region of the CFD_DOMAIN with a high explosive. Multiple charges can be defined, but the current CFD implementation can not handle a mixture of different types of explosives at the same time. The explosive is detonated using CFD_DETONATION. The pressure is defined as:

$\displaystyle{ p = A \left( 1 - \frac{\omega}{R_1 V} \right) \mathrm{e}^{-R_1 V} + B \left( 1 - \frac{\omega}{R_2 V} \right) \mathrm{e}^{-R_2 V} + \omega e}$

where $V$ is the ratio of current density to initial density and $e$ is the current internal energy per unit volume. The remaining afterburn energy at coordinate $\mathbf{x}$ evolves according to:

$\displaystyle{ \frac{\partial \dot{e}_{ab}}{\partial t} (\mathbf{x},t) = -\frac{e_{ab}(\mathbf{x},t)}{t_{ab}} }$